Assessments for Individuals & Teams
After many years of searching, we have found the assessments that are most congruent with our people development processes. We were looking for instruments that without question were quantifiable, valid, reproducible, objective, and able to examine different aspects of what makes a person tick. Starting at an overview level, you can see the What, Why and How of human performance.
The Attribute Index and Hartman Value Profile-based instruments measure what natural gifts and talents someone has based on how they think and make decisions. The Values Index and 12 Driving Forces instruments answer why are they motivated to use those talents based on their natural motivators and drivers. The DISC Indexes explains how they prefer to use their talents based on their natural and adaptive behavioral styles. In addition, the DNA 25 and the Acumen instruments indicate where job-related strengths, talents, and experience stand vs the population as a whole.
Business and personal success often depends on identifying and matching the right human capital to the challenges and needs of the job. The lack of job performance and related employee turnover can result in missed opportunities and increased costs. The lack of a strong personal match can drive stress levels higher for both the individual and others who are interacting with them. It makes perfect sense that organizations are now seeking better ways to accurately assess, match, develop, and retain people.
Objectively Assessing Individual Attributes to Maximize Human Capital
These Indexes assess individuals' cognitive structures (i.e., how their mind perceives themselves and the world around them) in six areas.
The three that are world view or externally facing are:
- Empathy or Understanding Others (People and emotions),
- Practical Thinking (getting things done), and
- Systems Judgment (thinking and conceptual relationships).
The three that are self view or internally facing are:
- Self-Belief or Sense of Self (self image/self love),
- Role Awareness (clarity about what it takes to succeed in all current roles in life) and
- Self Direction (clarity about their desired future state).
Unlike other instruments, these have a direct relationship with mathematics, and this is the secret behind its ability to accurately measure the core dimensions of how we think and make decisions. The result is an accurate ranking of 78 personal attributes describing individual potential for workplace performance.
In our instruments, the higher the score, the more someone is naturally able to see and understand all the aspects of that individual attribute.
Unlike many other instruments intended for a clinical setting but adapted to a business one, ours were designed exclusively for a business environment from the beginning. They have been validated in over 28 individual validation studies, conducted over 20 years by more than 19 separate examiners. It is proven to meet the rigorous standards for employment assessments referenced by the U.S. Federal Government Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Validation has also been documented in the areas of Construct Validity, Concurrent Validity, Face Validity, and Predictive Validity.
The development of the science of Axiology, the objective measurement of value, is a mathematically accurate assessment that objectively identifies how our minds analyze and interpret our experiences. It also identifies how we are most likely to react in any given situation. Basically, it examines "how we think". This helps us to understand the patterns we use to make judgments and how we determine the value of different things. It allows us to translate these measurements into quantitative scores that can then be more easily understood, compared, and applied to the daily world. These processes determine how and why we act as we do. How individuals compare things and how those things are assigned value either represent or distort reality. It provides a common language that we can then use to compare individuals against each other, a position, or a working environment.
Note: People often confuse value with values. Values are specific items that people stand for, believe in, or deem important. To value is to think, to assign meaning and properties to something. A value structure is the thinking map a person uses to reach conclusions about things. People "value" to arrive at their "values".
Building on the work of the late Dr. Robert S. Hartman (a Doctor of mathematics, philosophy, and law), research shows that there are three ways in which humans can perceive any single concept. We can see the structure of a thing, the application of a thing and the individuality of a thing. These different perspectives titled the "dimensions of value" can be applied within a mathematical structure. Adding calculus from his doctorate in mathematics, Hartman created the ultimate culmination of philosophy, human science and mathematics to create formal Axiology.
Subsequent research has led to concluding that the different parts of our brains that process the different dimensions of value act like our senses. Both our senses and the different processing regions of our brains are modular: independent, interdependent, variable in their sensitivity, and specifically suited for certain evaluations or tasks. Just as one person's sense of smell is significantly more sensitive than his eyesight, a second person can have razor sharp eyesight and a weak sense of smell. Our thinking modules also vary in their tendencies and abilities. In addition, it is the physiological differences of our thinking modules that lead to the differences in how we process, reason, and make decisions.
These different ways of judging or valuing things gives rise to the differences among us. Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses in how they are able to apply these different dimensions when making decisions. No one uses each dimension, or thinking module, equally to make a decision. The results of any one individual's thought process depend on the amounts of focus they place on the combination of these three dimensions. Although all are used in the process of making a decision, some are more highly valued than others. It's this combination of perceptual dimensions (the number of combinations possible reaches over 50 million) that defines how we think, and differs our thoughts and decisions from others'. Therefore, everyone skews reality in their brains, only seeing part of the picture when making decisions, evaluating things, and thinking about one's self. The key is to understand how we skew them, which dimension is it that they value more or less, and to what percentage.
The trick is being able to measure how developed each of these dimensions are in an individual and then measuring how they apply them to their daily thought processes. By knowing, scientifically, which dimension plays a larger role, in relationship to each other dimension, we can accurately predict why and how someone might tend to make judgments. Our actions are like one big chain of thoughts starting with how we perceive something, which affects how we value it. Since judgments about a concept control reactions to a concept, that can shape how we will approach interacting with people, managing them, working for them, etc. The results of working at this level are exponential. Changes made at this level require less effort to create greater impact on the individual.
Understanding What Really Motivates You
The Values and 12 Driving Forces Indexes are useful for understanding how to motivate yourself and others by understanding the reasons that drive individuals for success. In employee development and coaching scenarios, this information is invaluable. The Indexes are fully validated and exceed standards set by the EEOC for validity and reliability.
Examples of some of the value dimensions are:
- Aesthetic / Surroundings: A drive for harmony, balance, and form
- Altruistic / Others: A drive for helping others to achieve
- Economic / Utility: A drive for economic or practical returns
- Individualistic: A drive to stand out or be independent
- Power: A drive for control, stability, and influence
- Methodologies: A drive for tradition, steadiness, and certainty
- Theoretical: A drive for learning, understanding, and knowledge
There is no inherent good or bad in these scores. The scores simply reflect why someone operates they way they do.
The Values Index combines the work of Dr. Eduard Spranger and Dr. Gordon Allport into a single profile that delivers the world's most comprehensive understanding of a person's value structure or their motivational style. Everyone has their own unique mix of personal drivers and motivators that helps to guide them toward success.
Understanding what really drives a person is a crucial part of success. It is this understanding that helps to ensure that optimal motivation, passion, and drive are always created-to achieve the highest levels of personal and professional success.
To reach optimal performance you must understand WHAT natural talents you possess, WHY you are motivated to use them, and HOW you prefer to use them. The Values Index looks at the WHY portion of the What, Why, and How trilogy. By understanding WHY you are motivated to do things, you are able to better align your environment with what creates the most passion in you.
The Values Index is useful for understanding how to motivate yourself and others by understanding the reasons that drive individuals for success. In employee development and coaching scenarios, this information is invaluable. The IMX DISC Index is fully validated and exceeds standards set by the EEOC for validity and reliability.
Discovering and Understanding Behavioral Style for Greater Success
The DISC Index measures how people like to operate from a behavioral perspective in four broad areas. At a base level it measures behavioral tendencies both when people are operating naturally and when they are aware of their own behaviors.
The acronym stands for:
- (D-decisive or dominance) how people make decisions when they are faced with solving new problems and challenges that they haven't faced before
- (I-influencing of interactive) how people interact with new people that they haven't met before
- (S-steadiness) how consistent and how fast of pace do they prefer to operate with day to day
- (C-cautious or compliance) how much process and structure do they need to have in place to feel comfortable
It is important to state up front that there is no inherent good or bad in these scores. The scores simply reflect how someone operates along a continuum of behaviors.
DISC is the most contemporary interpretation of Dr. William Marston's groundbreaking work into understanding and measuring a person's natural and adaptive behavioral styles. Since each individual has their own unique preferences and habits for how they like to behave, this understanding is crucial when working with team members, as a leader or manager, or in an environment that requires conflict resolution.
To reach optimal performance, you must understand WHAT natural talents you possess, WHY you are motivated to use them, and HOW you prefer to use them. DISC reviews the HOW portion of the What, Why, and How trilogy. By understanding HOW you prefer to behave, you are able to better align your environment, select the work that ensures more meaning and success, and produce less stress while doing so.
DISC can be used in a wide variety of situations, from selection and hiring to succession planning, team development, enhanced communication, and improving the relationship between managers and their team members. Each DISC report comes with a personal debrief which includes relevance building exercises and summary questions to help individuals understand and specifically apply the knowledge to their personal and professional success.
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Discover for yourself how powerful "Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World" can be.
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