Transformation via Sustainability

Improving Your Triple Bottom Line - Profit, People & Planet

Imagine an Approach So Simple it Works!

To remain viable and competitive in an environment where the triple bottom line (economic, social and environmental success) is becoming increasingly important, clients, regardless of their size, can choose to tap into our disarmingly simple approach.

Take a moment and read the bullets in the purple, gold and green outer areas of the diagram. You see that they are all indicative of behaviors and thought patterns that are not reflective of sound, well-run companies. They reflect ongoing fire fighting and damage control as the normal operating style.

As you review the blended inner areas, you will see that many of the bullets reflect the higher levels of performance typified in well-led organizations as they are raising the bar and integrating various facets of the business.

Finally, as you read the overlapping area reflected by sustainability, you notice that all those bullets are consistent with a economically viable, thriving enterprise.

Let's Stop the Hype

There is so much hype surrounding 'Going Green' that it is adding noise to the mix without necessarily adding to clarity of thought. From our perspective 'Going Green' is just one of many possible tactics that you can choose to implement. Fundamentally, we believe that Sustainability is best viewed as a strategy.

Sustainability may be the most misunderstood business concept since the onslaught of Total Quality back in the 80's. This has resulted in a growing gap between the haves and have-nots when it comes to understanding the basics of creating a sustainable enterprise.

For many years now, well-run organizations have understood that adopting a sustainability culture and mindset, like successfully implementing Total Quality processes, LEAN principles, managing and reducing sources of variation, and insisting on well-structured Strategic Partnering arrangements, can generate huge savings that can be reinvested or reallocated to meet the needs of the business.

Unfortunately, many organizations, that have everything to gain by becoming more competitive against organizations of all size, have been so busy scrambling and working harder than they need to, they are missing out on what amounts to harvesting free money.

Simply put, the successful implementation of the principles of sustainability increases your chances that your organization will remain economically viable despite an ever-changing landscape.

If that is what you want for your business, contact us. Take the first step to find out more.

Sustainability and Implementation

Transforming Your Company

A tailored approach that is unique to YOU

Because every business is unique with its inherent advantages, challenges and timing concerns, our approach is not a one-size-fits-all approach.

After we listen carefully to you and your colleagues, we gather whatever data is needed to help you make a smart, well-thought-out decision. We collaborate with you to arrive at a project scope and timeline for implementation that stacks the deck in your favor and makes the most sense to all concerned.

Sustainability Implementation Model

How it can all fit together for your organization

The following implementation model has been very helpful in helping others to:

  • assess their sustainability initiatives,
  • prioritize objectives throughout the company,
  • develop meaningful goals and actionable plans, and
  • get them moving through the levels to a successful transformation.

The results continue to speak for themselves.

Remember, you don't have to go through this alone or risk your company being left behind.

Contact us and get started down your path to transformation today.

Sustainability Outcomes and Results

The following are examples of the types of results that have been achieved as a result of the facilitated processes we will bring to your situation.

It is important to note that these results were generated by the employees of their respective organizations. You will notice that the process engages people quickly therefore the commitment was extremely high, the gains were fast, and the results sustainable.

  • A community Hospital (270 beds) was looking for ways to improve their overall effectiveness in the community and for their patients and impacted family members. They embarked on a three year improvement plan that started with the development of a strategy. What followed was the implementation of a management development process to improve the skills and attitudes of management. In addition, core processes were revised, and waste was eliminated. This resulted in improved financial performance, improved patient and employee satisfaction, decreased ALOS, and improved environmental impact by decreasing waste and costs. The organization received numerous awards and was recognized in their community and state.
  • A small manufacturing company increased their capacity within one week by participating in a tailored cycle time reduction process, saving $1.2 million. They redesigned their production scheduling and work-in-process systems to better utilize their existing resources.
  • A family-owned kitchen design business reduced the amount of time it took them to produce approved designs by 56%. They also reduced their scrap by 34% after participating in a custom designed sustainability process.
  • A medium-sized family-owned manufacturing company reduced rework, scrap, and waste in the production of pre-stressed concrete beams by creating a more efficient process for producing and communicating changes in specification drawings between sales, engineering, and production. In one week, they implemented solutions generating millions of dollars in annualized savings. In addition, because the employees were involved in creating the new process, their morale increased resulting in fewer grievances.
  • A mid-sized manufacturing company eliminated 100% of their scrap metal by aligning with their suppliers to provide metal that fits their parts exactly rather than having to cut the parts from larger sheets of metal.
  • A manufacturing company specializing in high stress fastening application products cut work-in-progress inventory in half, reduced monthly order expedites from more than 20% to less than 10% and eliminated a backlog while continuing their 90%+ on time performance. Real cash was produced and the operating improvements have now given them the game changing customer growth opportunity that was identified at the time.
  • By redesigning how they operated their electrical repair department, a mid-sized energy company turned an expensive problem into a profit center. Taking their excess capacity and performing repairs and services for outside companies generated over $1 million in revenue its first year. A customized cycle time reduction process was implemented in five days to create this solution.
  • A small manufacturer of electronic motors developed a strategy to reduce operating cost and waste. A cross-functional team (operations, finance, procurement, engineering, and a supplier) identified several core processes that were generating the greatest amount of waste and excess cost. In one week they successfully identified and implemented a new process with their supply chain. It reduced waste in one operation by 60% and generated less landfill waste.

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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