Organizational Assessments
Diagnostic Data Indicating Alignment of Organizational Goals (DIALOG)
Do you ever wonder how your business is doing? Do you wonder what your employees think about your business and how well the different departments work together to accomplish the organizational objectives?
Executives, business owners, and board members are asking themselves these questions. Most do not have the visibility or the accurate data to assess the health and effectiveness of the business. The D.I.AL.O.G. Assessment tool was developed for just that reason - to provide a comprehensive perspective of the business based on the criteria for Performance Excellence used by the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Program (also known as the Baldrige Performance Excellence Program).
D.I.AL.O.G (Diagnostic Data Indicating Alignment of Organizational Goals) is an organizational assessment tool that provides information on how well critical elements work together to achieve business and strategic goals. It also identifies which of these vital elements are working against you. Our approach is unique in that we measure the essential elements' interrelationships that become predictors of future strength. We are not concerned with measuring communications for communication's sake but rather how effectively an organization communicates with its employees. Our approach is outcome-focused rather than simply measuring non-relevant activities.
The DIALOG instrument provides you insight into what all your employees are thinking and feeling regarding your business:
- Business Results
- Customer And Market Focus
- Human Resource Focus
- Leadership
- Measurement Analysis and Knowledge Management
- Process Management
- Strategic Planning
- Workplace Perspective
We employ jointly agreed-upon employee stratification designations to provide additional insight for the summary report.
Additionally, our instrument captures every participant's willingness to Refer-a-Friend as a potential employee and determines a variation of the Net Promoter Score. We recommend that both become saved and treated as longitudinal data.
If you would like to learn more about D.I.AL.O.G. and other assessment tools, please get in touch with us for more information.
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