Webinars & Presentations

We have appeared on TV, and radio in addition to our in-person appearances. We can address both local and international audiences and cover a wide variety of topics and needs.

Below you will see examples of topics we have delivered. Each standalone topic or talk can be tailored to suit your group's needs.

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Develop & Upskill People
Increase Top Line Growth
Personal Leadership Development
Process Excellence
Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Time Management

A Deep Dive into Helping People Buy

Along with identifying your prospect's needs and wants, needs discovery is an excellent opportunity to establish emotional "hooks." and create a more vital need to fix the situation than to stay with the status quo. In this seminar, we will share numerous examples of the correct type of questions to use so you can emotionalize derived benefits or pain if they don't do something now.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Achieve More Goals More Often

Far more people set goals than hit them. This packed session provides the specific, practical insights needed to help ensure that goals set will become goals achieved.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Time Management

Achieving Peak Performance

This seminar provides insights into the skills, knowledge, and attitudes necessary to achieve significant achievements personally, professionally, and organizationally.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Personal Leadership Development

Advanced Selling Concepts for Seasoned Professionals

This seminar will share concepts surrounding persuasion and influencing human behavior that are typically not known or understood by those in sales. During the session, you will hear how potential buyers think and process information and learn why they act the way they do. This session helps develop a deeper understanding of the "nuances" needed while selling. By combining the best of practical, tested "real world" sales approaches with a simple-to-grasp understanding of the "science" behind certain techniques and questions, salespeople can positively impact the dynamics of sales calls.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Are You Getting Results?

This thought-provoking workshop will help you question the underlying assumptions and behaviors that may hold you back from even greater results.
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Personal Leadership Development
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Bringing Out the Best in Others

Managerial talent has been defined as the ability to increase the productive, constructive behavior exhibited by others daily. This session examines ways to implement change that deliver long-term benefits.
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Develop & Upskill People

Business Development for a Successful Practice

Selling a professional service vs. selling a product is significantly different. This session speaks to those differences, including when team selling is involved.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Business Succession

Succession planning is vital for ensuring the long-term success of an organization. Despite its importance, many organizations overlook critical elements of the process. This session covers the top 20 often-forgotten elements or considerations regarding succession planning.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

CFO as Catalyst for Change

This high-energy, interactive session will immediately help you become more comfortable with becoming more strategic. You will experience specific tools and acquire skills that enable you to think, plan, and act in a more valuable way to your organization.
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Develop & Upskill People

Communication Basics

Everyone knows we should be wonderful communicators - - so why aren't we? This interactive session covers the essential elements to minimize communication errors and increase productivity.
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Develop & Upskill People

Communication- Tips & Tricks You Probably Have Never Heard Of

So many elements of effective communication have yet to be widely shared and, therefore, are unknown to most. This session provides real-life examples and approaches that can be implemented immediately.
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Develop & Upskill People

Continuously Developing a Professionally Managed Firm

This high-energy, interactive session will immediately help you become more comfortable with becoming more strategic. You will experience specific tools and acquire skills that enable you to think, plan, and act in a more valuable way to your organization.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Coping with Change Overload

Stress and burnout can occur quickly during significant personal or professional upheaval. This session identifies the triggers and offers suggestions to help you minimize the impact of this onslaught of negative energy.
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Personal Leadership Development

Creating & Sustaining Sales Results

This workshop helps you examine the strategies and tactics you could be using to create more sales, and the internal obstacles you must face head on.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Creating Donor Loyalty

A donor is anyone giving their time, talent, or treasure. Successful non-profits have all three. Your loyal volunteers, who donate their time and talents, are just as important as your financial donors to creating your success.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Creativity BEFORE Capital

In today's cutthroat environment, organizations continuously seek to enhance productivity while minimizing costs, raising the critical question: "How can this be achieved in my context?" Creativity before capital is a transformative approach that has generated millions of dollars in ROI.
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Process Excellence

Customer Service – Critically Important Tips for Entrepreneurs

It's funny, but almost no one will admit to being "lousy" at customer service any more than they will talk about living in an average town with average kids. Since almost everyone believes providing excellent customer service and having loyal customers are critical to the success of their businesses, why are these items usually not planned and monitored with the same intensity as the financials? This session will reveal costly customer service mistakes typically made by small businesses and how to avoid them.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Cycle Time Reduction - An Overview

While most people consider cycle time reduction a manufacturing issue, that is very short-sighted. There are more business processes than production processes. This session uncovers the example of significant positive savings and improvement opportunities to be harvested.
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Process Excellence

Developing High-Performance Teams

There is a significant difference between a functioning work group and a high-performance team. This workshop speaks to the elements that need to be in place to create and maintain a fantastic team that consistently delivers results.
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Develop & Upskill People

Developing Yourself to Use Effective Selling Concepts

Whether your current role and responsibility is an Executive VP managing the sales and marketing functions, a Managing Partner who is concerned about the state of business development in the firm, a Sales Manager who is responsible for the care and feeding of the sales staff, or an individual salesperson who is looking to improve personal performance this session is for you.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Developing and Sustaining Customer Loyalty

Developing customer loyalty requires going beyond good customer service. In this seminar, we discuss raising customer service to an art form. Learn how to treat service like it is as important as your most valuable offering and vigorously market your service capability to customers.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Doubling Your Business Doesn't Always Have to be Hard

A popular misconception about business and life is that it is supposed to be hard. It doesn’t always have to be. Take the opportunity to step back and take a fresh look at how you are operating your business. Amazing things can result when you put yourself and your business in a place of maximum opportunity. In this seminar, we will discuss those items and approaches that have proven to be winners for our clients over many years.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Elevating the CFO Function

With the business climate becoming ever more complex and demanding, every function is undoubtedly undergoing increased pressure and greater scrutiny. Given the cyclical nature of the work and its deadline-driven workload, it has never before been more important that all functions of the organization work "in sync" - all the while continuing to move at the high rate of speed demanded.
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Develop & Upskill People

Elevating the CFO Team's Ability To Deliver Results

With the business climate becoming ever more complex and demanding, financial functions are undergoing increasing pressure and scrutiny. Given the cyclical nature of the work and its deadline-driven workload, never before has it been more critical to have all aspects of the financial functions working in sync while moving at high speed.
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Develop & Upskill People

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

This session covers both the basics and nuances of EQ. Researchers estimate that as much as 75% of a person's ability to succeed can be related to understanding and consistently demonstrating high emotional intelligence.
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Personal Leadership Development

Engaging ALL Your People

Both current and emerging leaders need to have a deep awareness and understanding of maximizing employee engagement. Engagement becomes paramount to achieving and maintaining positive contributions that yield outstanding results.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Enhanced Employee Evaluation

Would you rather have a root canal than be running an employee evaluation session? This workshop will open up a new paradigm for communicating expectations and assessing performance and development.
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Develop & Upskill People

Establishing a Client-Centric Organization

This session examines the skillsets, mindset, and tactics needed to embrace and become a truly client-centric organization.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Executing a Marketing & Sales Plan in Smaller Businesses

A client once told their sales staff, "Without a plan, all you have is 'hope'... and 'hope' is a bad plan!" New things must always be thoughtfully examined as you grow a smaller business. The high cost of guessing wrong may be unaffordable. This tailored session, covering the practical marketing and sales elements in detail, can help you surface gaps and execute a viable plan.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Expect to Act Differently Next Year

Every year brings new challenges that are currently unknown. Since we can't always solve new problems with old methods, we must be prepared to do things differently. This interactive session shares tips and approaches to help you adapt and succeed.
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Personal Leadership Development

Fall Forward

As toddlers learning to walk, we had to be willing to fall forward, fail repeatedly, learn quickly, and make progress. Our situation today is no different. This session can surface where you might be unconsciously sabotaging your ability to progress.
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Develop & Upskill People
Personal Leadership Development

Finding & Keeping Good People

As you build out and grow organizational capacity, you will always be engaged in finding, attracting, hiring, and retaining people. This challenge was hard enough before the pandemic - it has only gotten more challenging. The war for talent is on.
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Develop & Upskill People

Get Your Business on the Right Growth Path

This session provides a high-level look at the mindsets, considerations, and strategies others use so you can adapt and adjust them for your situation.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Increase Top Line Growth

Getting Management to Empower Your Team

Your effectiveness as a leader and manager will be significantly impacted by how much support you can get from your executives. This seminar covers the hard and soft skills needed to be more persuasive when interacting with your boss and executive team.
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Develop & Upskill People
Process Excellence

Getting More Done

This session discusses ways to supercharge productivity for yourself and others.
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Time Management
Develop & Upskill People

Getting Your Business on the RIGHT Growth Path

Were you frustrated while living through the last year's business climate? Have you wondered what challenges you may be facing as you go forward? Are you adequately prepared? Since "same 'ol, same 'ol" is no longer valid, this pragmatic session will lay out those issues and items that many business owners typically overlook as they look to rebuild their business's top and bottom lines to their previous levels.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Increase Top Line Growth

Getting the Most from Trade Show Selling

Trade show selling is much more than having an excellent exhibit, free candy or tchotchke to give away, and having someone on "booth duty.". Trade show selling should be a high-velocity environment, but most salespeople fail to realize that. In this seminar, you will learn the thought processes, techniques, and tools used to generate thousands of dollars in return.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Growing All Aspects of You

This interactive session will stretch your concept of what you can achieve in your personal, professional, and financial life. This session can help bring to light those niggling issues that may have been holding you back from levels of greatness you didn't think possible for yourself.
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Personal Leadership Development

Handling Difficult People

We all have them in our lives. This session identifies 12 types of difficult people and discusses approaches to apply.
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Develop & Upskill People
Personal Leadership Development

How to Create a Successful Enterprise: Strategic Thinking, Business Planning, and Business Development Skills for Potential Entrepreneurs

It's been noted that no one ever pulled a rabbit out of a hat without carefully putting one in there in the first place. The best way to predict the future is to create it. Most people's goals often get lost when they're struggling with the day-to-day challenges of running their firm, where distractions abound, everything's a crisis, and the urgent runs roughshod over the important. In this seminar, we approach the building of a business by dissecting it into components. To succeed in both the short and long term, you must think like a company president or chief strategist, a senior vice president of sales and marketing, and a chief technician/implementor.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute
Increase Top Line Growth
Process Excellence

How to Sell Your Ideas to Senior Management

The language of business is money. This seminar delves into what you need to assemble to effectively position your ideas for senior management's review to get them successfully funded and ultimately implemented.
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Personal Leadership Development
Develop & Upskill People

Leadership Under Fire

Almost all of us have been there. We find ourselves in a quicksand that seems to swallow us as quickly as we can make adjustments to regain our footing. Sometimes, the situation has been caused by ourselves, sometimes by an inconvenient swirling of external forces. This seminar can help you figure things out and better survive the mess.
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Personal Leadership Development
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Making Decisions & Solving Issues

Effective decision-making is like a sharp knife that cuts clean and straight. Inadequate problem-solving capability combined with indecisiveness is like a dull knife that hacks and tears and leaves ragged edges behind. This session encourages making prompt but not rash decisions.
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Develop & Upskill People
Personal Leadership Development

Managing Your Self, Time and Workspace

As the ratio of predominantly physically demanding jobs (e.g., industrial or agricultural) vs. the predominantly mentally demanding jobs continues to fall, the concepts of "work" and "workplace" are being redefined more and more often with a meteoric rise in the number of people earning their living outside of a traditional corporate office environment. This seminar will help you determine and then manage your priorities so that you are "productive" and not just "busy" in both traditional and non-traditional settings but also help you cut through handling paperwork and interruptions that can block progress.
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Personal Leadership Development
Time Management

Networking- Basic Tips & Techniques

Many people have underestimated the power of networking and relationship-building because they don't know all the elements and aspects to utilize.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Performing Our Best During These Times

When tough times and many unknowns are creating stress and pressure and taking their toll on you, this session can help put things in perspective.
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Personal Leadership Development

Practical Ways to Develop a Team

With the business environment becoming ever more complex and demanding, almost every area of an organization has been impacted. Given the cyclical nature of work and workloads, this session helps ensure all aspects of the organization work in sync and move toward the maximum practical contribution of the players involved.
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Develop & Upskill People
Personal Leadership Development

Preparing You Family Firm’s Next Generation of Leaders

If leaving a thriving, successful business to the next generation is part of your desired legacy, it only makes sense that the people you entrust the business to are as prepared as possible to continue your good work. This talk will address the non-financial areas often overlooked when the desired plan is to transition the business to others already working there.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Roberts’ Rules of Order - Parliamentary Procedures for Meetings

Do you or your board need a better working knowledge of Roberts' Rules so that your meetings can run without being intimidated by others claiming to be well-versed? This session is designed for you.
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Process Excellence

Secrets of Serving & Selling

This seminar blends aspects of solid selling techniques with what is needed to create an outstanding customer experience that can differentiate your firm and help earn you clients and customers for a lifetime.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Selling During Difficult Times

Whenever the economy cools, the challenge of selling heats up. This seminar covers the mindset needed, what is different today, and how your offerings may need to be repositioned to be successful.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Selling Like Your Life Depends on It

Today's buyer tends to be better informed than ever before. An influx of more and better competition means the differentiation between products and services is constantly changing, and advancements have created new and exciting possibilities in every industry. In this seminar, we share a systematic approach to using our skills, abilities, and prior training more often and more effectively. There is quite a difference between knowing "how" to be effective and "being effective." Because we are all judged and compensated based on our ability to get results, "being" is all that really matters.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Strategic Planning

No matter how large your company is now, future success may become elusive without clear strategies and precise business goals. We wonder why so many organizations resist thinking and planning and instead flounder unnecessarily. This seminar discusses all the elements needed for a solid plan.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Success is for Everyone- How To Break Through Your Worst Fears

By tapping into the wisdom shared by others, we can learn valuable lessons to avoid mistakes and grow faster. This seminar will help you embrace more characteristics embodied by a modern, successful sales organization.
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Personal Leadership Development

Successfully Managing Continuous Improvement: How to Get a Standing Ovation from Your Customers

This seminar discusses that despite its many false starts, misconceptions, and skeptical reactions, a movement that changes how America does business here and abroad is underway. Customers increasingly demand that we provide more and more "customer service" for less and less money. To remain financially viable and continue doing business successfully, we must accept that this challenge is not a short-term problem that will go away. All indicators point out that this paradigm shift is here to stay.
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Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Succession Planning & Mastering Change (aka Building a Legacy Worth Remembering)

As a senior executive, many people in your organization count on you for guidance, expertise, and judgment. This fast-paced session will provide new information and food for thought on various critical issues that impact senior management and organizational performance in mid to large-size organizations. Be prepared to view your role and function differently after this session.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

The Executive Link Principle

As Michael Korda, former Editor-in-Chief of Simon & Shuster, said. "If you are 40 and haven't friends or at least people who rely on you and to whom you can turn, you're in trouble." What attitudes and actions do you need to implement to make this all work out?
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Increase Top Line Growth
Personal Leadership Development

The Quantum Project- Deepening Business Relationships

The function of all business is to create and maintain customers while generating adequate profitability today and increased profitability in the future. This session discusses the how-tos of maintaining loyal, satisfied customers in every organization by becoming a "partner" in customers' minds.
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Increase Top Line Growth

The Upside of Upside Down

The term “Servant Leader” has been discussed more and more readily as an emerging model of effective leadership. When we flip the organizational chart upside down, it puts customers at the top of the hierarchy. This session discusses a service delivery model that makes it easy to see who everyone in the company is really working for and the difficulties that can arise when the servant leadership way of thinking is slow to be adopted.
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Develop & Upskill People

Time Strategies

Everyone knows that since we cannot get more time, we must get more out of the available time. In this seminar, we discuss how to invest more time upfront to prevent crises vs. scrambling and reacting to them.
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Time Management

Tips for Reading People Faster

Our personal and professional success can hinge on our ability to connect and communicate with other human beings. This session will surface many characteristics people naturally exhibit when interacting with us. As we consciously begin to notice things during our conversation, we can choose to build more trust and more rapport faster than ever.
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Increase Top Line Growth

Tips to Get Your Business Sizzlin’

Pundits have described what you are now living through as the new normal. Without a doubt, this new normal is throwing some hard and fast curve balls. How can you create enough space in your calendar to meet tomorrow's goals while you are still battling the challenges of today?
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Increase Top Line Growth
Personal Leadership Development

Understanding the Formula for Success

We must use our skills and knowledge to behave differently to achieve goals and improve results. This interactive session discusses that we must adjust our attitudes to think about and see things differently before we can operate differently.
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Develop & Upskill People

What Legacy Do YOU Want to Leave - Transformational HR

The job of an executive is to Think--Change--and Operate. There is no shortage of demanding challenges, so getting trapped into only dealing with the transactional vs. transformational opportunities and situations is easy. This seminar covers the elements needed to make a profound difference.
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Develop & Upskill People
Strategize, Plan, & Execute

Work Clean and Decrease Your Stress

A leader is someone who gets results by following a process. Being efficient and effective when executing tasks and projects (personally and professionally) minimizes time spent spinning wheels. After this session, you can allocate your new freed-up time to your chosen areas.
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Personal Leadership Development
Time Management

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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