Ongoing Support

Additional Support Available to Ensure Your Satisfaction

1. Provide updates of progress to ensure that you stay in control of the engagement.

2. Be available for confidential 1:1 sessions to address participant questions or concerns.

3. Conduct research in between sessions as appropriate.

4. Vary engagement implementation schedules as necessary.

5. Arrange videoconferences or teleconferences as needed.

6. Utilize video and role-playing tools.

7. Conduct Pre- and Post-testing of the group and Post-program Evaluation by both participants and their superiors where appropriate. This is conducted in order to measure and document results for those organizations interested in Kirkpatrick Level 4 interventions.

  • Program content
  • Self description profile
  • Self assessment of potential
  • Performance evaluation by self
  • Performance evaluation by superior
  • Management style profile
  • Decision making analysis by self
  • Decision making analysis by superior
  • Organizational climate survey
  • Preliminary goals survey
  • Post program evaluation by participants

8. Follow-up sessions and goals reviews are mutually arranged. This is to ensure both short and long term results.

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We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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