Executive Leadership Team Development

In addition to learning to look at things from an organizational perspective, one of the biggest challenges that managers and senior managers face during their careers is to make the transition from being a functional manager to an executive leader who brings a developed enterprise-level perspective to the table. To avoid becoming a victim of the Peter Principle (people rise to their level of incompetence), a conscious effort to develop and align the necessary attitudes, skill sets, and competencies within the individual is usually in order.

An Executive Development Process Tailored to Your Circumstances

To best meet your senior team's needs while you are continuing to run the business on a day-to-day basis, our processes are extremely flexible. Decisions about the frequency and duration of our work together are reached jointly.

The subject matter and perspectives usually requested from us for an executive leadership team development process go well beyond what is covered by typical management training and development initiatives.

We help develop and instill the specific attitudes, executive leadership skills, goal achievement techniques, and time use habits your organization needs your team to exhibit.

Executive Leadership Team Development Content Overview

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Roles of Strategic Leadership

Moving from an operational role to a strategic leader represents one of the most critical and challenging professional transitions for an executive. To reach strategic leadership, you need to master many leadership components.

  • Understanding the nine critical roles needed in the executive suite
  • Exhibiting visionary leadership and effectively communicating the vision
  • Fully developing in your role as a transformational leader

Your Challenge

Striving to succeed and stay relevant in this global market means challenges become even more demanding, the speed of change is increasing, and competition is multiplying.

  • Achieving results and remaining unflappable in the midst of ever-present change
  • Building value-based leadership begins with identifying Core Values
  • Consistently living core values can enhance the culture where contributors thrive
  • Creating a process for enhancing your organizational Core Values

Culture Matters!

"Strategy provides clarity and focus for collective action and decision making...Culture, however, is a more elusive lever because much of it is anchored in unspoken behaviors and mindsets."
- [Adapted from The Leader's Guide to Corporate Culture, Harvard Business Review]

  • Understanding culture as an indicator of your organizational DNA
  • Experiencing a results-oriented culture
  • Identifying the symptoms and causes of an ineffective culture
  • Learning what can turn around an ineffective culture

Achieving Goals for Success

A critical component of successful executive leadership is ensuring goals are not just set but achieved. Become a master goal achiever and not just a master goal setter for your organization.

  • Understanding the various types of goals, their best applications, and their elements can lead to more results more often
  • Internalizing the critical components and criteria of the goals achievement process
  • Learning when to properly apply the four different types of goals personally and professionally
  • Working through our copyrighted goal planning process, your action plans, and necessary action steps


Communication is a two-way process that involves multiple layers of emotion and frames of reference being understood and successfully managed to get the desired outcomes. The larger the audience, the easier it is to be misunderstood.

  • Successfully communicating ideas and reducing miscommunication
  • Tying principles of communication and emotions together
  • Mastering listening aggressively and enhancing listening via questions
  • Building stronger relationships through communication

Understanding and Affirming You

In reality, you are more than just one self. You are a composite of several different selfs that surface and recede according to your daily circumstances.

  • Acquiring a deeper understanding of your three selfs
  • Choosing among your three ego states in a professional environment
  • Focusing on the positive and affirming yourself
  • Developing positive habits can yield positive results

The Power of Emotional Intelligence

Researchers estimate that as much as 75% of a person’s ability to succeed can be related to understanding and consistently demonstrating high emotional intelligence.

  • Understanding Emotional Intelligence and its importance to your organization
  • Recognizing behavioral characteristics of high and low emotional intelligence patterns
  • Tying together self-awareness and social awareness
  • Mastering self-management and relationship management

Understanding Diversity While Creating Inclusion

Almost any conversation and discussion about diversity or inclusivity can trigger an intense emotional response. Considering how prominent this focus is in our everyday environment, we need to know how to handle this subject matter personally and professionally and effectively communicate our thoughts.

  • Understanding what diversity means and involves
  • Recognizing how unconscious or implicit bias can impact our attitude toward diversity
  • Creating the attitudinal change required for course correction
  • Making the power of inclusion happen

Motivation and Courage

Success and motivation are interdependent and inseparable. You can’t have one without the other.

  • Tapping into both emotion and logic as you lead yourself and others
  • Understanding human needs, common methods of motivation, and personal values drivers
  • Reducing motivation killers - managing worry and handling frustration
  • Sustaining the courage to stay on course

Managing Your Time

Since you cannot get more time, you must get more out of the time available. Often, the more time you invest preventing crises upfront, the less time and money you will spend scrambling and reacting to them.

  • Internalizing the concepts of outstanding time management and developing appropriate delegation techniques and attitudes
  • Identifying and eliminating the most common time-wasting habits and traps, including procrastination
  • Making the most of your time - planning with a purpose and putting together time plans that work
  • Effectively managing paperwork and accomplishing routine tasks.

Successful Teams and Collaboration

An effective leader builds the best and most productive team possible. Organizational results - outstanding or poor - often reflect the cohesiveness of your team.

  • Combining the best individual contributions to benefit team success
  • Analyzing and developing trust as a critical component
  • Creating a collaborative environment
  • Implementing the three “C”s of collaboration

Managing Conflict for Positive Results

A team’s effectiveness is enhanced when members recognize and honor the emotional part of the team’s growth process fostered by conflict.

  • Defining conflict
  • What causes conflict?
  • The hard and soft costs of conflict
  • The benefits of conflict
  • Conflict resolution: Setting the stage
  • Your responsibility as a leader

YOUR ACTION PLAN – Your Tools for Personal and Professional Achievement

Personal Goals Program

  • Dream Inventory (Like a "Bucket List")
  • Self-Evaluation Sections to Develop Yourself as a Total Person
  • >Encompasses Mental, Social, Physical, Financial/Career, Family Life, Ethics and Beliefs Development Areas
  • >Each section includes a: Self-Evaluation Questionnaire, listing of Past Achievements/Mental Strengths, narrative to capture Where I Stand Now, place to generate personal Goal Categories and establish Priorities

Goal Planning Sheets with an Example and Instructions

Evaluating Organizational Goals and Opportunities

  • Evaluating the 10 areas of Organizational Goals
  • Setting categories for future initiatives

Evaluating Yourself on Your Enterprise Level Leadership Role

  • Evaluating the 10 areas of Executive Leadership responsibilities
  • Setting categories for future initiatives

Evaluating Personal Time Use and Effectiveness

  • Time Evaluation Matrix and Analysis
  • Time Management Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Generating Time Management Categories, establishing Priorities and setting Time Use Goals

Goals Summary & Goals Accomplished Areas

Components Available to Achieve Results

  • Written Materials - to ensure everyone starts with the same level of knowledge.
  • Audio Materials - to help knowledge become internalized through reinforcement and spaced repetition.
  • Action Planning Workbook - to help distill thought processes and challenges.
  • Participant Interaction - to develop a high level of consensus and commitment.
  • Professional Facilitator - to maximize the beneficial outcome.

Information on Executive & Individual Coaching and Assessment Services

As a direct result of a client request back in 1987, we began working with individuals on a one-to-one basis. Coaching is a direct, highly interactive way for individuals at all levels to take advantage of assistance in developing their own abilities to their fullest potential. It puts action behind the belief that people are the most valuable asset of a business.

After many years of searching, we have found three assessments that are congruent with our people development processes. We were looking for something that without question was quantifiable, valid, reproducible, and objective. They are state-of-the-art versions of the Attribute Index, DISC Index and Values Index.

Paradigm Associates offers the combination of personal assessments along with individual coaching. This can help any individual identify and play to their strengths, identify what land-mines they should avoid, and achieve personal and organizational goals more often.

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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