Business Development & Sales Training

Growing companies (vs. stagnant ones) excel in their ability to train and develop their business development and selling organizations.

Your business development staff should be a differentiator in an ocean of undifferentiated offerings.

We provide tailored solutions:

  • Professional sales & business development training
  • Sales coaching for individuals or teams
  • Effective sales management

While never simple, selling is now more complicated. Decision-makers and buyers are becoming better educated, informed, and aware of available options to meet their challenges.

Every business development team needs a deep understanding of the selling and buying processes. And, consistently executing proper selling behaviors and follow-through is critical.

Development Tailored to Your Circumstances

Sales development goes beyond sales training. We employ the desired attitudes, consultative selling skills, goal achievement techniques, and time management habits your organization wants. When development occurs, shared information and knowledge becomes internalized. Our tailored process acts as a booster-rocket of sorts for your sales training efforts. More consistent use of positive, consultative, results-oriented skills becomes highly profitable.

Whether we are working with a limited number of participants at a single-site organization or executing large projects around the world, our seasoned team will ensure a successful development process. We work with you to decide the frequency and duration of your implementation sessions.

Typical Sales Development Elements

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Success in Sales

Because the world of sales and business development is changing so profoundly, fully grasping the need to reinvent ourselves and our processes is not an option.

  • Understand how to tap into your sales potential
  • Better preparing in six areas creates more opportunities for success

The Buying/Selling Process

Selling is a rational process that must be emotionalized. Buying is an emotional process that must be rationalized.

  • Understand the differences between a Selling Process vs. someone's Buying Process
  • Understand why and how people buy
  • Better understand how to manage prospects' evaluation of you and your company

Attitudes Drive Success

Our attitudes and the habits we choose to use or jettison greatly influence our ability to get results. Either way, we are making a choice.

  • Understand the source of our attitudes and habits
  • Understand where resistance to change may be coming from
  • Understand how to build attitudes for positive results

Prospecting and Marketing

The lack of prospecting abilities has killed off legions of well-intentioned salespeople and business developers. A wise man once said, "I'd rather be a master prospector, who is a mediocre presenter and talks to a full room, than a master presenter who is talking to an empty room."

  • Understand the difference between suspects vs. prospects
  • Understand how to network productively and appropriately generate appointments
  • Understand how to gain referrals
  • Understand how to develop referral sources and centers of influence

Emerging Sales

With access to the internet, there are no secrets anymore. Most purchases and buying decisions are researched in depth before you even show up.

  • Understand how to properly handle procurement sales situations
  • Understand how to develop and manage your territory like a business

Planning Your Goals and Achieving Successful Outcomes

If success is defined as "the continual achievement of your own predetermined personal goals, stabilized by balance and purified by belief," then goal setting in itself is not enough- it is all about goal achievement.

  • Understand the eight elements of effective goal achievement
  • Understand the four types of goals and their uses
  • Fully understand the eight process components of a well-constructed goal
  • Understand how to plan out your goals in the way your brain functions- you will take action more often

Communication Skills

"How well we communicate is determined not by how well we say things but by how well we are understood."
- Andy Grove, Ph.D. Co-Founder, Intel

  • Understand the focus and goal of communications
  • Understand how to create a sense-able picture
  • Understand how the elements of verbal communications interact
  • Understand how to use questions to stimulate feedback
  • Understand how to stay in the moment and actively listen
  • Understand the nuances involved in nonverbal communication

The Introduction

Before people willingly buy anything from you, they must buy you. It requires much more than just being glib and fast on your feet. You must earn the right to do business with someone.

  • Understand the needed elements for pre-call preparation in a competitive marketplace
  • Understand how to introduce yourself and begin to build trust
  • Understand what people are listening for as you introduce yourself
  • Understand the dynamics in a team selling environment vs. selling solo

Gaining Favorable Attention

You can never convince anybody of anything- you can only help them discover for themselves why they should buy from you.

  • Understand how to build and maintain rapport
  • Understand the benefits and traps associated with using small talk
  • Understand how to match pace and temperament

Discovering Wants and Needs

When we focus our attention on helping people buy, we move from transactional selling to serving others. This change in focus can create an entirely different dynamic for all concerned.

  • Understand how to position your organization's capabilities
  • Understand how and when to use reference stories
  • Understand the critical distinction between wants and needs
  • Understand the four categories of needs
  • Understand how to surface areas of concern

Building the Case for Action

Nobody ever pulled a rabbit out of a hat without carefully putting one in there in the first place.

Regardless of whether you are offering a product or service unless the perceived value of your offering exceeds the total investment required, it is going to be tough to get someone to say yes. Therefore, you need a sound methodology and replicable process to build value in every conversation.

  • Understand how to better tap into a prospect's thought process
  • Understand how to tap into a prospect's value system so that your offer makes sense to them
  • Understand how to establish quantifiable value and ROI when appropriate
  • Understand and master the use of clarifying and confirming techniques- make everything go smoother by eliminating variables and possible confusion

Presenting Solutions Effectively

When you have taken the time to understand the full impact of the prospective buyer's situation, issues, challenges, or opportunities, you can almost always bring additional value to the table that others will not or can not.

  • Understand how to present what you learned during the discovery phase in a non-threatening way
  • Understand how to relate time, financial expectations, and terms in the investment required
  • Understand how to use both logic and emotion to create a compelling, convincing summary of your proposed solutions and approach that speaks to their concerns

Getting Commitment and Following Up

Always remember, you are not in the proposal writing business. You are supposed to be in the business of getting more loyal customers or clients and expanding your revenues.

  • Understand how to handle RFPs and RFQs
  • Know the ten rules when developing a proposal or presentation
  • Understand how to gain commitment
  • Understand that you better serve your customers when you sell wide and deep in an organization

Overcoming Obstacles and Driving for Success

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Developing expertise in scenario planning may turn out to be your best friend.

  • Understand the difference between stalls and objections
  • Understand how to handle objections, and prevent them in the first place
  • Understand how to deal with stalls
  • Learn tips to manage yourself, stay more focused, and make steady progress in sales

YOUR ACTION PLAN – Your Tools for Personal and Professional Achievement

Personal Goals Program

  • Dream Inventory (Like a "Bucket List")
  • Self-Evaluation Sections to Develop Yourself as a Total Person
  • >Encompasses Mental, Social, Physical, Financial/Career, Family Life, Ethics and Beliefs Development Areas
  • >Each section includes a: Self-Evaluation Questionnaire, a listing of Past Achievements/Mental Strengths, a narrative to capture Where I Stand Now, a place to generate personal Goal Categories and establish Priorities

Goal Planning Sheets with an Example and Instructions

Organizational Goals Program

  • Capturing overall Organizational Goals
  • Creating Divisional - Departmental - Team Goals
  • Position Description including instructions & Worksheet


  • Defining Personal Productivity
  • Productivity Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Generating Productivity Goal Categories, establishing Priorities and setting Goals

Sales Skills

  • Sales Skills Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Generating Sales Skills Goal Categories, establishing Priorities and setting Goals

Time Management

  • Time Evaluation Matrix and Analysis
  • Time Management Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Generating Time Management Goal Categories, establishing Priorities and setting Goals

Building a Marketing Plan

  • Marketing Plan Evaluation Questionnaire
  • Determining Marketing Communications, Sales strategies, and support needed
  • Generating a Marketing Plan, establishing Goal Categories, determining Priorities, and setting Goals

Goals Summary & Goals Accomplished Areas

Components Available to Achieve Results

  • Written Materials - to ensure everyone starts with the same level of knowledge.
  • Audio Materials - to help knowledge become internalized through reinforcement and spaced repetition.
  • Action Planning Workbook - to help distill thought processes and challenges.
  • Participant Interaction - to develop a high level of consensus and commitment.
  • Professional Facilitator - to maximize the beneficial outcome.

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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