Plans You Can Use

Approach and Methods

Paradigm Associates works with executive, management, sales, and employee teams in a development process to improve business results. We use an approach based on the Paradigm Premise and Success Formula, to help participants understand the difference between being busy vs. being productive.

We believe an organization must have a well-honed strategic planning process and a way to make its plans operational. Often, we find too little resemblance between the adopted plan and day-to-day behaviors.

What may be needed is a process to drive the strategic goals down through the organization. Employees at every level should know what those goals are, understand their role in achieving those goals, and effectively participate in that achievement.

The Paradigm Premise and Success Formula underpin our selection of Learning Methods and Additional Support. They help both individuals and your organization continuously improve business results and thrive in the short and long-term future.

The Paradigm Premise

Developing the:

+ Talents (the innate gifts that one brings with them)
+ Skills (the how to)
+ Knowledge (the where & when to)
+ Goals Focus (the what & why to)

Leads to: Positive Behavior Change


The Paradigm Associates development process builds upon a simple premise. If we want to achieve goals and improve results, we must use our skills and knowledge to behave differently. But before we can operate differently, we must adjust our attitudes to think about and see things differently.

At Paradigm, we make a distinction between training and development. We believe that training (or education) involves the dissemination of information to teach someone a new skill or provide knowledge in an intellectual understanding. Development is getting people to use their skills, abilities, and training more often and more effectively.

We believe one cannot just teach someone to become an excellent executive, manager, sales professional, or customer service provider. But we can help develop the attitudes and behaviors that are reflective of sound, professional, interpersonal skills.

Success Formula

A (T + S + K) + P3G → BC → SIR OP

v&b 88% B f (C)

Here is the Paradigm Associates Success Formula. We build it from right to left.

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We begin by asking you what Sustainable Improved Results (SIR) you want to achieve and how that will be tracked and measured. Everything else we do to develop the participants is geared toward achieving those goals and results.

The (O, P) represent both Organizational goals as well as Personal goals. Our approach is to create a quadruple win. For the organization- to achieve enhanced results and a well-deserved reputation for professionalism. For the community- in terms of planet-friendly initiatives successfully undertaken. Finally, for individuals - to increase the number of personal goals achieved.

Participants analyze their situation and performance, both personally and professionally, then set goals that are the most meaningful to them. Naturally, this leads to improved organizational results. That gives the entity the financial wherewithal to improve compensation, work conditions, and other benefits. That then gives the participants the financial resources to achieve even more of their personal goals and objectives. Internal motivation increases to become even better professionally. Continuous improvement can be self-sustaining; it becomes a way of life at the firm.


BC represents Behavior Change. To achieve different (improved) results, people need to behave differently.


P3G represents Goals. When people have clear goals to focus on, it is easier to change and sustain behavior. We ask participants to set goals that touch personal improvement, professional improvement, and organizational process improvement.


T+S+K represent the Talents (the innate gifts that one brings with them), Skills needed (the how to do something) and the Knowledge needed (the where and when to do something).

Over the years, many organizations have sent people to various training courses in soft skills areas without seeing any noticeable improvement in bottom-line results causing us to ask ourselves, What is missing? From our perspective, we realized the answer. Skills and knowledge alone are not sufficient - what is missing is the attitudinal component.


The A stands for Attitude (the want to do something).

The Paradigm Associates approach, Management by Commitment, is a results-oriented philosophy that involves developing a goal-based attitude among people within the company. Attitude acts as a multiplier of skills and knowledge that directly influences the goals people set and achieve. Attitudes will directly determine, in many cases, whether people:

  • turn a problem into an opportunity, or succumb to it;
  • behave in ways that benefit the entire organization, or maintain fiefdoms;
  • expand the customer base and the services provided, or allow atrophy to set in;
  • diligently look for continuous improvement, or remain satisfied with the status quo.


v&b represents our values and beliefs.

Research tells us the great majority of the attitudes we still carry with us today developed when we were between 0 and 5 years old. As children, we were not judging what information we would accept and which we would not. Much like sponges, we absorbed it as given.

Approximately 77% of what we learned as infants and young children may have been based on negative input vs. 23% positive. Among the first words that kids understand, along with "Mom" and "Dad," is "no." The "no's" then become more sophisticated "don'ts." You can fill in the blanks from your own experience:

Don't write on the ___________________ (wall).

Don't talk with ______________________(food in your mouth).

Don't play in _______________________(traffic).

Don't talk to _______________________(strangers).

That last one is curious advice for someone in a client development activity, isn't it?

As we grow into our world as adults, the "don'ts" have had a tendency to migrate into "I/we can't." This leads us into the next element of the Success Formula.

88% B f (C)

Approximately 88% of our daily Behaviors are below the conscious level. We are on "automatic pilot" as a function of prior Conditioning. Typically we don't have to think about tying our shoes, driving a car, or figuring out how we are going to get to work. We perform those tasks in automatic. This understanding is critical.

Why is this so critical to understand? If you agree that we need to change our behaviors to achieve different results, and if you accept that 88% of the time we operate below the conscious level, then it follows that we need to think differently at the subconscious level to have sustainable behavior change that leads to better results.

All the Paradigm Associates Learning Methods have been selected and honed to best support the processes we offer.


The book Inner Game of Music has a wonderfully simple yet effective formula/explanation for what happens to human performance as people are thinking about their fears etc, and building up the "noise in the head".

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The formula simply conveys that our performance (represented by a small "p") will be equal to our Potential (represented by a capital "P") minus interference (represented by a small "i"). While the source of this interference can be external, it seems the great majority of the time it is really generated by us internally. This can be because of self-doubt, anxiousness or anxiety about making a perceived mistake or delivering something other than a flawless performance, or reliving past mistakes and experiences may cause this to occur.

The brilliance of this formula is that as we minimize the interference (i) in our own heads (individually or collectively) we can help our actual performance level come closer to our potential performance level. It is truly a becoming process.

Our job is to help other people see that as they win the head game, their performance, self-image, and natural gifts will all be in sync or alignment. Everybody wins.

Components Available to Achieve Results

  • Written Materials - to ensure everyone starts with the same level of knowledge.
  • Audio Materials - to help knowledge become internalized through reinforcement and spaced repetition.
  • Action Planning Workbook - to help distill thought processes and challenges.
  • Participant Interaction - to develop a high level of consensus and commitment.
  • Professional Facilitator - to maximize the beneficial outcome.

Don’t let your competitors gain the upper hand. Contact us today to discover how 'Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World' can position your business to thrive.

We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your goals. If you have any questions or feedback, contact us directly by phone or email. Your insights are invaluable in refining the solutions we provide and delivering the results you expect.

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