Human Resources Professionals
This introductory section has been put together to act as a Sherpa guide for you.
As you get a chance to tour and read through our sections and pages, we expect that you will reach the same conclusions that many of our client's HR professionals have as well. We expect you to be pleasantly surprised by the depth of information covered.
You can take comfort in the fact that the proven learning methodologies that we make available to you and your colleagues, and the wide array of customizable and tailorable training and development programs we can bring deliver quantifiable, improved results. We work with you to measure your individual participants' performance as well as the organization's performance. We make available pre and post process assessments at all four levels of Kirkpatrick's Levels of Learning. This documentation as well as actual improvement in results is intended to get you both a well-deserved "thank you" and tremendous respect from the senior executives running your organization!
We hope you'll come to appreciate that the entire How We're Different Section was written with your needs in mind. If your experience is like others, as you are searching out new solutions to old challenges and re-occurring problems in the firm, people will probably be asking you questions. We are not implying that these will be mean-spirited questions, but rather, they can be very rational questions so that the other person can get comfortable with what you are working on and proposing. At the risk of stating the obvious, in some cases, this other person may in fact have to sell your solution to others so that appropriate funding levels can be obtained or maintained.
Therefore, we understand how critical it is to the HR function to be able to influence outcomes using your personal power of persuasion, and not just your level of authority within the organization. You probably know or have known of people who routinely manage via the "Do it because I said so" school of behavior. When that happens, that person is relying purely on their authority to get things done. Can we agree that it almost always evokes a negative reaction in the other person who is on the receiving end of that comment? It usually doesn't lead to a strong commitment to achieving an outcome, does it?
Muscle Building the Firm via Developing People
Because of our own frustration while searching websites and getting very little useful information other than marketing hype, we have also tried to include enough detail in the How We Help Section so that you can get many of your initial questions answered. We hope that that you will say to yourself that what we have put together makes sense to you and that you would like to talk with us further.
The proven approach and people development processes we bring to the table have been continuously honed and improved upon since 1978. Whether your need is for building additional executive leadership capability and presence, developing managers, supervisors and more savvy team leaders who hit goals more often, developing and engaging more focused and effective individual contributors who use their time productively, or sales and business development staff who can generate additional revenue, we have a strong track record that you can rely on. Our development processes effectively combine education (what needs to be done) and skill development (how to do it) along with attitudinal development and a methodology for setting and achieving personal and professional goals. In addition, to reach optimal performance while minimizing unnecessary effort, people must understand WHAT natural talents they possess, WHY they are motivated to use them, and HOW they prefer to use them. These services are available to be delivered both in group workshops and on a 1:1 basis (coaching).
Contact Us, and let's discuss how we can help you.
Discover for yourself how powerful "Breakthrough Thinking for Your Real World" can be.
In our never-ending quest to serve you to the fullest, please do not hesitate to call, write, or email us with any of your pressing issues or concerns. Your thoughts and suggestions enable you to make us the absolute best in professional services!